
Wellness & Nutrition

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Smoking and its long-term effects as you age above 60

lungs diseases symptoms

The most common cause of death and many health problems in senior adults is smoking. Smoking has an impact on nearly every organ in the body, especially the lungs and heart.

Smoking has been associated with an increased risk of cognitive impairment and dementia in older persons, as well as an increased risk of macular degeneration, cataracts, hearing abnormalities, breathing problems, bad odour, and taste abilities.

Smoking can causes cancer, heart disease, stroke, lung diseases, diabetes, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), which includes emphysema and chronic bronchitis.

Smoking also increases the risk of tuberculosis, certain eye diseases, and immune system problems, including rheumatoid arthritis.

It can also make some health problems worse in senior adults, including diabetes, osteoporosis, lung cancer symptoms, and mental health problems, such as depression and the loss of memory and concentration skills.

It can cause Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) which is nothing but breathing shortness in seniors that make them often feel breathless, cough, or generate more saliva than usual. COPD is frequently caused by smoking and other lung-damaging factors.


Smoking is a part of daily life for someone who has smoked for a long time, and quitting may be tough.

As you become older, your bones weaken and change their form, which can impact the structure of your rib cage can cause lungs diseases symptoms. These are three critical measures for preventing serious respiratory problems:

  • Break the cycle – Most smokers have a regular schedule of when, where, and even social circumstances in which they smoke. It is important to break this routine. Try taking them to the movies or visiting friends to get them out of their routine and distract them from the need to smoke.
  • Remove things – Remove any ashtrays, matches, lighters, cigarette cases, and cigarettes that remind them of smoking. Clean the house thoroughly of any items that may have absorbed the odor of smoke, such as curtains, clothes, carpets, blankets, bedding, linens, and upholstery.
  • Encourage each steps – Create encouraging posters and leave encouraging notes to remind them of their goals. When they successfully progress, celebrate and record their accomplishments.
  • Distraction – Breathing fresh air and doing some exercise will remind them how much less tired they are today. Distracting them from their craving and supporting them as they go through this period is priceless.
  • Meditation – Look for alternatives to replace their smoking habit with healthy options. Meditation may be a great technique to focus on positive change while also naturally calming your mind.

Healthy foods for senior adults

Having a well-balanced diet is essential for remaining healthy as you get older. It can assist you in maintaining a healthy weight, being motivated, and getting the nutrients you require. It also reduces your chances of getting chronic health disorders like heart disease and diabetes.

Consume meals high in fiber, vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients to satisfy your nutritional requirements. To maintain a good healthy diet with healthy food, follow the given senior health tips below:

  • Calories – To maintain a healthy weight, you’ll usually require fewer calories as you get older. Eating more calories than you burn leads to weight gain and obesity raises the risk of illnesses such as heart disease and diabetes.
  • Calcium – Dairy products including milk, cheese, and yogurt are rich in calcium. Sardines and other canned fish with bones contain calcium as well. Calcium may also be found in green leafy vegetables (such as broccoli, cabbage, and spinach), soya beans, and tofu.
  • IronSeniors should consume enough iron-rich meals to help replenish their body’s iron stores. Red meat is the finest source of iron. It’s also in pulses (like peas, beans, and lentils), oily fish like sardines, eggs, bread, green vegetables, and morning cereals with extra vitamins.
  • Hydration – You may not realize you’re thirsty as you get older. Drink plenty of fluids on a regular basis. Water can also be obtained via juice, tea, soup, or water-rich fruits and vegetables. Senior adults’ bodies require sufficient hydration to function correctly and to prevent constipation.


Vitamin C – rich foods and beverages help in iron absorption, so combine some fruit or vegetables or a glass of fruit juice with an iron-rich meal. Citrus fruits, green vegetables, peppers, tomatoes, and potatoes are rich in Vitamin C.

Vitamin D – is important for everyone because it helps to grow and maintain healthy bones, teeth, and muscles. Sunlight, meals, and vitamin D supplements are the three primary sources of vitamin D.

Folic acid – rich foods help in the maintenance of excellent health in old age. Green vegetables, brown rice, bread, and breakfast cereals that have vitamins added are foods that contain folic acid.

Visit Athulya Assisted Living

Athulya senior care is one of the best assisted living in Chennai, they have the best palliative care centers in Chennai. The nurses are quite skilled, and doctor visits are regular. As a result, Athulya guarantees a secure place for older persons with no room for error.  To know more, visit Athulya at Athulya Assisted Living.

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Athulya Assisted Living in Bangalore – A serene place for seniors to age gracefully.

serene retirement homes bangalore

How do you feel when the thought of “growing old” props up?

For some, it’s a thought filled with fear.. fear of uncertainty and loneliness while for some it’s about getting habituated to change.

But it doesn’t have to be that way. In fact, it shouldn’t be that.
We are social creatures and there is actually such positive energy in store for us, more than we know or can realize.

“Getting older makes you more alive. More vitality, more interest, more intelligence, more grace, more expansion”.

Getting old is inevitable – let’s face it and often times we become habituated to dwelling in the past that we actually miss out on the magic of the present moment. We suggest that you put your your best bets on living a happily peaceful and independent life as you age, with Athulya Assisted Living in Bangalore!

A home that a 20-year-old lives in would be way different from a home that a senior would prefer to live in. Senior adults need different preparations such as impeding movements causing accidents due to certain kinds of furniture.
If anything, we at Athulya, only strive to make this living at home experience a more convenient one for older people.

As much as staying connected with our environment is concerned, it only happens when there is a sense of brisk or activeness to the being. To be able to truly enjoy your hard-earned financial savings, to be able to take up a sport that keeps you feeling younger day by day, almost making you gleam as you look forward to the next day because you enjoy what you do with your time.

Again, we at Athulya Assisted Living, extend a friendly nudge for you to come visit us to experience the warmth of a loving home filled with silver-haired grandpals who feel at their youthful best.

All that said, a key take home message is the fact spaces hold a lot of meaning and energy by itself let alone the people that energize it. We take such pride in flaunting our ever-youthful seniors, that chose to trust us in this innings of their lives and for infusing the space with such zest, dignity, positivity and resilience.

With the hustle and bustle that comes with Bangalore, you can drop all your worries concerning your senior parents at our doorstep because once you step inside Athulya Assisted Living, it becomes a whimsical world for you and your loved one. With eyes that smile at the very welcome point to the hands that hold you as through it all, this is a retirement home for your seniors that has all the comfort and luxury all under one roof!

We at Athulya Assisted Living always stress upon the importance of uniqueness and serenity in a retirement home – and our Bangalore facility “just fits the bill”, if we had to quote our grandpals.

As a senior independent living facility, our facilities ranging from slip proof floorings, well-lit rooms for better vision, community kitchen experience, hospital and transportation services, specialty consultation visits, in-house salon to assistance for banking and financial services, we have it all covered. Our most recent noteworthy development in our Bangalore facility, is the palliative care unit.

We hope that this was an informative and breezy read for you!
Please feel free to reach us at 98849 45900 for booking an appointment to visit our facility to experience what a truly senior-friendly premium Assisted Living space feels like!


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Activities for Better Engagement for the Elderly With Dementia

Elderly With Dementia

Dementia is inarguably one of the most feared diseases that is almost imminent in old age. Not only does it numb their cognitive skills, but also severely impairs their quality of life. Of course, there are treatments for dementia that may help bring down the symptoms significantly, but, quite unfortunately, dementia is a terminal illness.

So, apart from medications, how does an elderly cope with dementia? With medications doing their job at one end, there are numerous mental activities out there that could help stabilize their mind and prevent their cognitive skills from breaking apart.

This way, seniors will have a fighting chance to completely alleviate the effects of dementia and lead a normal life with their loved ones. Hence, here are the aforementioned activities we think could brighten up the lives of dementia-stricken senior citizens.

Remember, the dementia patient is not giving you a hard time. The dementia patient is having a hard time.” – Anonymous

Memory-teasing activities for dementia

  • Look through photo albums: There’s nothing like grazing through old photo albums that could help trigger the memories of seniors with dementia. Such photo album sessions could bring up their favourite memories from the past.
  • Watch old movies and TV shows: Some seniors may have been huge fans of an old film or a show. Try using that as a gateway to liven up their minds, subsequently firing up their memories.
  • Listen to music: It is almost impossible to come across someone who doesn’t have a liking for music on this planet. From insanely famous albums to school carols, music has often been the biggest stress reliever for humans. Hence, use that to your advantage and play your loving senior their favourite song or two. There is a high chance that the senior might react to it and enjoy it.

Interesting activities for seniors with dementia

  • Knitting: Knitting is one of the best ways to improve the cognitive skills of seniors with dementia. The constant hand-eye coordination coupled with their knitting interests can help cheer them.
  • Painting: Art can help anyone safely express their feelings through utmost creativity. Similarly, try letting dementia-ridden seniors play with the creativity of art, which will not only help with dementia but also reduces stress.
  • Crafts: Like painting and knitting, crafts are another interesting way for seniors to explore the side of creativity. Playing with clay or malleable play-dough can be quite fun for dementia-stricken older adults.
  • Riddles and puzzles: Try getting your seniors puzzles which are completely fail-safe and could well tease their brains.
  • Old recipes: Cook your loving senior their favourite meal which can trigger their memory quite effectively.

Here are other fun activities that can keep seniors engaged:-

  • Take them for a walk
  • Gardening and watering the plants
  • Feeding the birds and bird-watching
  • Embrace the feel of nature in a park
  • Enjoying an afternoon watching your favourite sport
  • Read newspaper

Yoga for Seniors with Dementia

Yoga is a globally-recognised activity that has numerous advantages and potentially increases one’s life span. What’s more, Yoga can even act as a barrier between human life and several chronic and terminal diseases.

Hence, amidst such qualities beneath this ancient practice, here are some of the biggest benefits of yoga for seniors coping with a memory illness as serious as Dementia:-

  • Improved circulation, breathing, and range of motion, which aids fall prevention and the extension of mobility.
  • Increase in ability to cope with pain
  • The ability to counteract the negative consequences of chronic stress
  • Greater emphasis on qualities and talents of oneself

Choose Athulya Assisted Living for safe and secure senior life

If you or your senior parents are looking for a senior home in Chennai, Bangalore, Kochi or Coimbatore, do choose Athulya Assisted Living. With entirely senior-oriented facilities installed across South India, Athulya flaunts itself as the best senior care provider.

Athulya has also designed a special care plan for senior patients with Dementia and other brain-numbing diseases. Hence, with the help of immensely qualified doctors and skilled nursing staff, Athulya promises a safe and happy stay for senior patients. To know more, visit Athulya’s official website at Athulya Assisted Living.

You can also contact Athulya via E-mail. Reach out to the highly proactive team at

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Epilepsy and ageing – Causes and treatment for better health

epilepsy and aging

Epilepsy is undeniably one of the most feared disorders in the world, owing to the devastating impact it has on the lives of seniors. As a result, in honour of Epilepsy Day, here’s an interesting piece that covers a wide range of information about this deadly disorder in the hopes of raising awareness.

So, let’s ask ourselves; what is Epilepsy? And why is the world considering it a serious condition? Epilepsy is a neurological disorder which disrupts brain activity, triggering seizures or periods of unusual behaviour.

The seizures are usually quite erratic and very unpredictable. Unlike in most common cases, Epilepsy seizures have no trigger and can act out at any time.

Epilepsy causes

This is where Epilepsy tends to be quite a tricky disorder – There are multiple ways a senior could develop Epilepsy. However, we’ll elaborate on the common causes.

  • It could be due to genetic influence first and foremost. The senior could have come from a family that had dealt with Epilepsy for generations.
  • Brain abnormalities, such as tumours and other brain-numbing diseases, could be a valid reason for a senior citizen suffering from Epilepsy.
  • Stroke is also regarded as the leading cause of epilepsy in people over the age of 50. As a result, cautious post-stroke care is strongly advised to avoid falling victim to Epilepsy.
  • Parasitic infections can cause Epilepsy in some seniors.
  • Finally, accidents that may have caused head injuries could lead to Epilepsy, although it is quite rare.

Diet for seniors with Epilepsy

Changing your diet is one of the simplest ways to manage epilepsy. Epilepsy patients should eat a well-balanced diet that includes carbohydrates, fats, proteins, and other nutrients. To be more specific, consider the points listed below:

  • Carbohydrates are famous for providing an energy boost and are usually present in foods like potatoes, rice and others.
  • Fats are primarily to keep our body at an optimal temperature and are found in oils, nuts and seeds.
  • Proteins are an essential need for seniors, considering their help in sustaining a healthy immune system and strong muscles.
  • Vegetables and fruits will prevent the cells from getting damaged along with vitamin and mineral boosts.

Now that we’ve covered the types of foods seniors with Epilepsy can consume on their road to recovery, here’s a list of foods that could worsen the condition.

  • Anything with trans fats can be extremely harmful to seniors with Epilepsy. If you’re wondering what comes under trans fats, we have butter, coconut, and processed foods like cookies, instant noodles and pizza.
  • Caffeine is a major red flag too. According to studies, caffeine could increase the probability of a senior having seizure.
  • Foods with artificial sweeteners like jam, candy, pudding, packaged baked goods and soda.

Dementia & memory care

One of the many reasons why an older adult is prone to developing epilepsy is dementia. Seizures can result from even minor changes in brain structure.

As a result, when the cells in the brain begin to die and shrink, the senior becomes vulnerable to epilepsy. So, how does one go about preventing such serious disorders from affecting their memory?

While there are medications to help control such situations, the elderly could also try something called “memory rehabilitation,” though the results are not always positive.

Neuropsychologists, speech pathologists, and therapists are among those who work in this field today. Finding the right therapist and having open and honest conversations can make all the difference.

Epilepsy is a disease in the shadows. Patients are often reluctant to admit their condition – even to close family, friends or co-workers.”
– Lynda R.

Join Athulya Assisted Living for a happy recovery

Athulya, currently active in Chennai, Bangalore and Kochi houses one of the most prestigious senior assisted living facilities in India, with an enormous number of amenities, features and highly skilled nursing care for safe and happy ageing.

In the case of seniors with Epilepsy, Athulya also hosts group art therapy within the facility to enrich their minds and gift them the opportunity to express their emotions and feelings through art.

Furthermore, Athulya also offers top-quality transition care for Epilepsy-ridden seniors, consequently increasing the prospects of defeating the neurological disorder.

Do visit their premium facilities and embark on the journey to recovery.




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Arthritis during colder days – all you need to know

1200×600 Arthritis

Many seniors and older adults suffer from the difficult and painful disease of arthritis. They might range from minor to severe. They might essentially stay the same for years, although they could grow or change over time. In addition to making it difficult to walk or climb stairs, severe arthritis can cause chronic discomfort and make it impossible to carry out daily tasks. Although it primarily affects elderly, arthritis actually refers to over 100 different types of joint pain and disorders. It can affect people of any age range. Fortunately, there are several simple exercises and activities that can help seniors with arthritis reduce pain.

Arthritis in Older Adults

It is important to not underestimate the effects of arthritis in older persons. Senior arthritis not only causes pain and discomfort, but it also limits movement. A person with arthritis could find it difficult to get up after sitting for a while, such as while driving or watching a movie.  Seniors may find it more difficult to engage in things they once loved, including shopping, going for walks, or visiting family and friends, due to a decline in their mobility. As a result, elderly people with arthritis frequently experience depression.

We respect and appreciate the healthy lives that our seniors have lived. At the Athulya Assisted Living facility, we want them to see their next phase of life as a fresh start, free from worries and in the company of like-minded individuals where they can live their lives as they choose.

What Type of Arthritis is Most Common in the Elderly?

The most common form of arthritis in older people is osteoarthritis. Because it is a progressive form of arthritis, the cartilage in the joints is wearing down. Pain, swell-ups, and stiffness will result from this. While this can occur as a natural part of becoming older, other risk factors include being overweight, having a family history of the condition, and having previously suffered a joint injury.

Even though it is less common, rheumatoid arthritis can be extremely painful. The immune system is harmed by this kind of arthritis. An immune system that is functioning properly employs inflammation to get rid of infection or stop disease. The immune system infects and inflames the joints in rheumatoid arthritis patients.

  • Joint pain, tenderness, swelling, or stiffness that lasts for six weeks or longer.
  • Morning stiffness that lasts for 30 minutes or longer.
  • More than one joint is affected.
  • Small joints (wrists, certain joints in the hands and feet) are typically affected first.
  • The same joints on both sides of the body are affected.
  • Rheumatoid arthritis can be treated, and if you believe you or a loved one may be experiencing any of these symptoms, you should see your doctor as soon as possible.

Arthritis Exercises for Seniors

Yoga is one of the finest forms of exercise for elderly people with arthritis. By improving joint function, developing strength, and encouraging relaxation, yoga helps lessen the pain associated with arthritis.  Tai chi, like yoga, has benefits for elderly people with arthritis. Tai chi is another form of exercise that features slow, controlled movements that stretch and strengthen joints.

If you have arthritis, swimming in a pool can be a great method to exercise. Water offers 12 times more resistance than air, which makes exercising in it easier on your joints and more effective for building muscle.

Even though arthritis may not be curable, it can be effectively managed. Create a treatment strategy that fits your lifestyle, and keep adjusting it until you are comfortable. Keep moving and exercising, and explore how your caretaker can assist you with daily duties with them. There are difficulties associated with arthritis, but they can all be overcome.

How to help an elderly loved one with arthritis

Being empathetic and listening are two of the most essential things to keep in mind when caring for an elderly person with arthritis. Assist a healthcare professional in understanding your loved one’s worries so that arthritis can be appropriately diagnosed and treated.

It’s essential to keep note of symptoms, prescriptions, dietary preferences, and physical activity while senior arthritis is in its early stages.

Other ways to help a senior with arthritis include the following:

  • Encourage your body to move. You may enroll them in exercise classes or just go on daily walks with them, depending on their abilities.
  • Keep a record of their prescriptions and medical care. Ensure appropriate treatment is provided while avoiding the risks of an overdose.
  • Encourage them to maintain a healthy diet. Include anti-inflammatory foods that are beneficial for people with arthritis in their diets while restricting items that increase the symptoms.
  • Make your home a safe place for those with arthritis. Install toilet seat risers and grab bars in the bathroom. Instead of buttons, use Velcro. Get them shoehorns so they can put their shoes on more easily.

No matter the path you and your loved one choose to take, it’s important to work closely with them and their primary care provider to ensure their arthritis is properly managed.

In the care, protection, and security of our skilled professionals, we want our seniors to look at life as they age as a fresh start to a hassle-free life. Our goal is to establish a setting where they can freely reflect and re-establish contact with themselves while socializing with others who share their interests.




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Chennai music and dance festival

chennai music and dance festival

The Chennai Dance and Music Festival is a festival of ultimate tradition and culture. This is an event that cannot be missed at any cost for people who love art. It was once known as the Margazhi Festival since it occurs in the Tamil calendar month of Margazhi (December). It is interesting that people celebrate this holiday as a way to connect it spiritually and traditionally.  This music and dance festival will create the most exciting festive spirit among everyone despite the depressing state of Covid, which we are recovering from.

The musicians and classical performances truly bring grace, joy, and all that is good into the audience. So, if you want to experience something cool and a fascinating blend of traditional music and classical dance and fun activities for seniors; be a part of this joyous pleasure of these wonderful performances and the talent displayed by the talented performers at the festival. Additionally these fun activities, musical sessions, art therapy and much more are also conducted in Athulya Assisted Living for a better interactive experience for the seniors.

The festival lasts for one month and is scheduled between December and January. Every year, a huge number of visitors and travel enthusiasts attend this festival in Chennai. The Chennai Dance and Music Festival is the perfect site for soaking up South India’s culturally diverse feast.

This well-known Madras event, which dates back to 1927, was named after the Tamil month of Margazhi and was held to honor the Madras Music Academy which is well known for the senior living community. The festival’s original name, Margazhi Festival, was eventually changed to Music & Dance Festival.

Major Attractions Of Chennai Dance And Music Festival

Amazing talent and impressive performances : The Chennai Music and Dance Festival consistently brings audiences an amazing bunch of music, light, and joy. This entire musical event brings together dancers, singers, and a variety of other musicians and artists to create a unique experience. Regarding the music, it includes songs in Tamil, Telugu, and a number of other regional tongues which also grabs the attention of every age group including the senior citizens.

A Series of Events: These performances can be seen across the local area as this event lasts for nearly a month. Every year, more than 300 concerts take place where senior and young performers that include musical sessions, games for seniors. They work together to create some of the most famous shows that spread their attraction.

Places to Visit When Attending Chennai Dance and Music Festival

Marina Beach: Marina, one of India’s best known beaches, is also the country’s biggest beach. It’s impossible to miss the iconic old lighthouse that stands tall at one end of the beach. Additionally, the location is excellent for viewing early sunrise, recently the beach is set to be disabled friendly with ramps for differently abled citizens to visit beaches more often.

Elliot’s Beach: The beach, which is smaller than Marina, was just given the new name of Besant Nagar Beach or Elliot’s beach. A well-known landmark is the Schmidt Memorial, which was constructed as a tribute to Dutch sailor Karl Schmidt. On the beach, there is also an AshtaLakshmi Temple and other exciting fun activities for seniors and kids.

St Fort George: The Fort is a prime illustration of British dominance in India. Under the East India Company, the Fort served as the central focus for all governmental activities in the South. It is now a museum. St. Mary’s Church is also located there.

National Park of Guindy: In the center of the city is where you’ll find this national park. Blackbucks, cobras, pythons, quail, sparrow, vultures, and dragonfly birds are among its famous wildlife.

Temple of Kapaleeshwarar: The temple contains Karpagambal and Lord Shiva idols that were constructed in the traditional Dravidian manner. Seniors might enjoy a relaxing visit by admiring the temple’s attractive architecture.

Madras Academy of Music: It is intended for fans of dance and Carnatic music. Visitors can attend some fantastic recitals and dance events that are held here nearly every day.

Planetarium Birla: People can have a fantastic time viewing stars and other celestial beings in the sky from the Planetarium, which was built in 1988.

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Things seniors can do this Christmas to make it more lively and happier

seniors and christmas

Christmas is a festival of joy, gifts and sharing of love. Being the winter vacation with the availability of all the friends and family around, Christmas festival is one of the most happiest times for celebrations. Seniors enjoy these times the most since they can spend quality time with their families. This can be an extremely emotional and lonely time of year for some seniors. This might be due to a variety of factors such as the weather, health concerns, and other family members’ commitments. Irrespective of the situations, the Christmas can be made more lively and happier. This blog is going to elicit a few ways to instill the festival spirit for seniors and make them enjoy this Christmas to make this one a memorable one. Sit back, relax and have a happy read.

A happy traditional meal:

Cakes, mashed potatoes, Christmas cookies, Yorkshire pudding, and a variety of other trademark meals spring to mind when you hear the term Christmas. Food is the foundation of happiness and sharing. Similarly, no Christmas is complete without the feast. Calling people and friends from the social circle can make the dining more interesting. The seniors usually have a lot of unique ideas for making the Christmas lunch extra special.  They should be sought for assistance because the majority of them are always willing to provide whatever they can. It is critical that the seniors feel included in the celebration.

Getting the hack of Technology:

Seniors can connect with their loved ones by learning how to use devices and technology. With the aid of technology, they may stay in touch with and visit their loved ones regardless of the circumstance. Interacting with people through social media, email, texting, face time, and video conferences. They may be introduced to the virtual world through this as well.

Getting Crafty and indulgence in art:

Making a customized cake or decorating and lighting a Christmas tree are a couple of innovative ways to express yourself this holiday season. These are some of the best post-retirement hobbies for seniors and can be done not just for this Christmas.

Music Sessions:

Seniors can dance to the music and sing festival songs together. This can be one of the fun activities for seniors this Christmas.

Innovative Games for seniors:

Making plans for a game night with simple games that encourage social interaction can make seniors happy and encourage them to celebrate with a festive spirit.

Sharing & exchange of gifts:

Christmas is a time for giving. Seniors may find exchanging presents and handwritten notes of greeting to be warm and overwhelming. This will inspire them to send pleasantries or return notes and get them revved up.

Christmas is a time to show compassion and love to others. It is a time when your elderly loved ones who are still living independently can get rid of their loneliness by spending time with family and friends. Include your elderly parents in your Christmas celebrations and give them a present that shows how much you care about them to make this occasion unique for them. Make memories to cherish and celebrate being together.

Understanding the essence of festivity and importance of socialization, Athulya Assisted Living facility initiates celebrations and activities for seniors to enjoy for the Christmas. With a dedicated team for activities and engagement, seniors are involved in the celebrations of festivals. These give elders an opportunity to interact socially with other seniors in the facility.  With its assisted living facilities and unmatched care for happy and healthy aging, Athulya aims to offer a high standard of living. Athulya wishes all the readers a merry Christmas. Let this joy of festivity brighten your days and relationships and shower with the blessing of God.

Check out our video of the previous year’s Christmas celebrations:

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Diabetes-Friendly Foods for Seniors

diabetes-friendly food for seniors

Diabetes is one of the common terms that can be heard in the nook and corner of the world. It has become so common that, it is no more considered in a serious way. According to the International Diabetes Federation (IDF), there are 537 million diabetics worldwide.

Diabetes a common disorder among elderly

One chronic condition that significantly impacts people’s life is diabetes. As the body’s metabolism slows down and doesn’t support an elder’s healthy life, elderly in particular are the ones who have been most negatively impacted by it. World Diabetes Day is marked annually on November 14 to raise public awareness and promote education about the condition. This year’s theme for world diabetes day is “education for better tomorrow”. This blog will enlighten seniors about the foods that can help in diabetes management and alter their lifestyles to keep their blood sugar levels under control.

Diabetes Symptoms and risk factors of Diabetes

Type 1 diabetes and type 2 diabetes can both cause the following symptoms:

  • Feeling thirsty
  • Often Urination
  • Loss of weight
  • Fatigue and weakness
  • Having slow-healing sores
  • Getting prominent infections

Additionally, if diabetes is not well managed, there is a chance of developing Diabetes Nephropathy. Diabetes that is not properly managed over time might harm blood vessel clusters in your kidneys that filter waste from your blood. High blood pressure and renal damage may result from this.

How Can Diabetes controlled?

A person’s diet has a big impact on them. In a similar fashion, if you have diabetes, what you eat is crucial. Keeping your blood sugar levels under control is important. It is necessary to select some foods while avoiding others in order to keep it under control. If you have diabetes, eating a lot of fruits, vegetables, and lean protein is key, just as it is for everyone leading a healthy lifestyle. Additionally, stay away from processed carbs, white sugary meals, and starchy veggies. This aids in reducing the potentially dangerous side effects and issues that prevent seniors from living better lives.

The intake of carbohydrates, protein, fats, and fibre has a significant impact on how blood glucose levels change over time. Seniors with diabetes may benefit greatly from following a rigorous diet that contains these foods in the appropriate amounts. Even though it is hard to keep a control on food habits for seniors, some tips of diabetes-friendly foods can be of help in including them in the diet. The finest foods for elderly folks that lessen diabetes symptoms include good fats, vegetables, fruits, and proteins, as well as healthy and high-quality carbohydrates. Moreover, an anti-inflammatory foods can be effective at weight loss which can be a preventing factor of diabetes in obese elders.

Here are some list of foods that can be included in your vegetarian diet to help seniors eat well without much hassle in their diabetic levels.

Whole grains: Whole grains are high in fibre, folate which may help stabilize blood pressure, iron, magnesium, vitamin B, chromium, and other vitamins and minerals. E.g.: Quinoa, barley, and oats.

Broccoli: Broccoli, which has elevated protein content, is a diabetes-friendly food that can regulate blood sugar levels and lower them.

Nuts: They make an excellent snack to quell hunger and are a healthy source of protein and omega-3 fatty acids.

Beans & Lentils: Beans and lentils are rich in fibre as well as vitamins and minerals including magnesium and potassium. Don’t eat too many beans because they contain carbs.

Spinach and leafy vegetables: foods like spinach are rich in fibre and minerals that help reduce blood sugar, such as magnesium and vitamin A.

Citrus fruits & Berries: Grapefruit, limes, lemons, oranges, and more are rich in potassium, vitamin C, folate, and fibre. Berries on other hands are superfoods for diabetes since they are high in fibre and antioxidants. Avoid adding sugar and eat berries like blueberries, blackberries, strawberries.

Good Fats: Avocados, nuts, and butter are healthy fat foods. Your cholesterol levels can be lowered with the help of monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats.

Although consuming low glycemic foods and employing a few straightforward strategies will help keep diabetes levels under control. Seniors find it difficult to incorporate these foods into their routines because they may live alone or because of other reasons. Facilities like assisted living centers are aware of these issues and have a skilled nutritionist on staff to keep an eye on things. One such facility that offers a nourishing vegetarian meal tailored to the residents’ health concerns is Athulya Assisted Living. This enables seniors to follow their healthy food plans on schedule and at regular intervals, resulting in the mental and physical well-being they need to age happily, healthily, and safely. 


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How to start an assisted living facility?


What is assisted living?

Everyone wants to spend their golden years with a spirit of joy and care. To make their dream tangible, assisted living facilities provide individuals with a concept of support and holistic care to enjoy their existence without any dependence. The environment of a care facility brings meaning to a peaceful life with round-the-clock skilled nursing care in a premium setup.

The need for assisted living:

The need for assisted living is important now and in the upcoming days. The increasing geriatric population is active evidence. Data shows that people are in the high surf for assisted living facilities to care for their elderly parents for physical and psychological well-being. This is where the reservoir of assisted living needs begins.

How to start an assisted living facility?

Before jumping into the assisted living pool, there are a few checklists to consider whether this domain fits you.

  • Have any outlook on the assisted living facility?
  • What’s your business plan?
  • Who is your target market?
  • Who are your competitors?

Once you get answers to the above checklist, then frame your assisted living business strategy with clear thought.

Steps to start an assisted living facility:

With these basic points, you get an outline of the definition, needs, and checklist of assisted living. Let’s get into the idea of the business preparation process.

Industry Analysis

Industry analysis feeds business growth in multiple channels. It helps individuals to know what exactly the industry is and provides limelight on building up your business flow process from start to end. And mostly, it aids in understanding the market conditions and current trends, helping in flow with the new-fashioned keywords and ideas. Curating this market research proves to the customer that you are the experts in your domain. Conduct industry analysis and incline your company’s perception to the targeted audience.

Customer Analysis

The customer analysis section of your assisted living business plan must include information about the customers you serve and/or anticipate serving.

Customer segments include families of seniors who require little to no care, families of seniors who require assistance with activities of daily living, and families of seniors who require memory care.

When developing a business strategy, it is essential to conduct a customer analysis. You cannot meet your customer’s needs unless you understand their expectations. To stand out, divide your analysis segment into pieces and gather in-depth knowledge of your business profile.

Competitive Analysis

Competitive analysis helps you to find out the key things about the trials:

  1. What types of seniors do they target?
  2. What services do they offer?
  3. What types of living arrangements do they offer?
  4. What is their pricing?
  5. What are they good at?
  6. What are their weaknesses?

Business approach:

  • Sharpen your idea
  • Work a business name
  • Create a business plan
  • Register your business
  • Apply for a license
  • Get business insurance
  • Prepare to launch
  • Build your team
  • Enjoy your revenue

Wrapping up,

Athulya Assisted Living is India’s first senior citizen home of its kind, providing elders with a happy, independent, and secure retirement. Athulya has over years of experience in creating assisted living communities to provide for seniors, and it has assisted living for the elderly in various locations, providing a premium, quality service with a choice of assisted living based on your senior’s interest, preferences, and comfort.

With our maneuvering services and senior living facilities, we improve our residents’ quality of life and assist them in leading an easy and engaging life. Athulya Assisted Living is specially designed so that no senior has difficulty moving around, and it also has an aesthetically pleasing appearance to keep their environment pleasant in a premium way. The use of advanced technologies allows for continuous monitoring of our seniors while maintaining their privacy.



  1. What is assisted living?

Assisted living is a general term that refers to a community in which seniors are supported to live independently among friends while receiving as-needed assistance with daily activities. The best-assisted living communities recognize and strive for the proper balance of support and independence.

  1. What are the advantages of living in an assisted living facility?

The list is lengthy, but here are a few of the numerous advantages of assisted living:

  • Improved social life (combating isolation or loneliness)
  • Additional recreational options
  • Help with daily activities
  • Increased mental clarity
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Assisted LivingDesign for AgingLifeStyleSenior Care & ChallengesWellness & Nutrition

Risk Factors for Stroke & Prevention Tips

stroke risk factors and prevention

Understanding the risk factors for stroke and prevention tips

Just imagine, the sudden change of facial expression will demand a huge need for a medical emergency. Yes, this case of stroke situation estimates precious care along with awareness.

What is a stroke?

Stroke is a condition that impacts the arteries inside and leads to the brain problem. It happens when a blood artery that supplies the brain with oxygen and nutrients is either constricted by a clot or explodes (or ruptures). That causes a portion of the brain to become anemic, which causes brain cells to perish. The repercussions of a stroke vary according to the area of the brain affected and the degree of harm done.

A stroke disrupts the blood supply to a portion of the brain. Strokes can be fatal and require long term care for seniors even though the risk can be lowered. Since there are numerous lifestyle-related stroke risk factors, everyone may be able to reduce their risk of getting one. Over 80% of strokes are preventable.

  1. Difficulty communicating and hearing what others are saying.
  2. Face, arm, or leg numbness or paralysis You could suddenly experience facial, arm, or leg paralysis, weakness, or numbness. When you attempt to smile, one side of your mouth might also droop.
  3. Vision issues in one or both eyes.
  4. A sudden, intense headache may be a sign that you are experiencing a stroke if it is accompanied by vomiting, wooziness, or altered consciousness.
  5. Difficulty walking You might trip or get unbalanced.

Who has a stroke risk?

Controllable Risk Factors

  • Physical Inactivity or Obesity
  • Diabetes
  • High blood pressure
  • High cholesterol
  • Atrial Fibrillation

Uncontrollable Risk Factors

  • Age
  • Gender
  • Race
  • Previous Stroke or Transient Ischemic Attack
  • Genetic problem

Even if you don’t feel ill, anyone can have a stroke. Reducing your controllable stroke risk factors is the greatest approach to avoid having a stroke.

Stroke care for elders – prevention tips:

Healthy Eating

Eating healthily is one of the best strategies to lower your chances of having a stroke. Fresh fruits and vegetables, lean meats and seafood, and nutritious grains make up a balanced diet. You can go one step further by consuming foods that drop blood pressure and lower cholesterol, which lowers your risk of suffering a stroke. This entails eating more foods that are high in fibre while consuming fewer meals that are high in sodium, saturated and trans fats, sweets, and cholesterol.

Exercise consistently

Post discharge care requires regular exercise which provides several health advantages, especially in terms of lowering blood pressure and assisting in maintaining a healthy weight. Children and teenagers should exercise for an hour each day, while adults should exercise for two hours and 30 minutes each week. This is a doable health objective because you may divide the workouts into manageable weekly chunks. You might work out for 30 minutes a day or 15 minutes twice a day, for instance. Try to work up to a level where you are breathing heavily but can still speak in order to get the maximum benefits.

Drop Your Blood Pressure

Your chance of having a stroke is greatly increased by having high blood pressure, especially if it is not controlled. It’s crucial to discuss with your doctor how to regularly check your blood pressure levels and treat them. An optimal blood pressure reading is less than 120/80 for the majority of people. Please be aware that some persons have greater levels because they take drugs or experience vertigo when standing. Physical and rehab care will help seniors to maintain their healthy weight.

Manage diabetes 

Your doctor could advise you to get tested if they believe you have diabetes symptoms. Consult your medical and skilled nursing care team about your treatment choices. Your doctor could advise making specific lifestyle adjustments, such as increasing your physical activity or eating better. By doing these steps, you can minimize your risk of stroke and maintain appropriate blood sugar management.


 Be aware of the symptoms of a stroke and jump right to the hospital. The medical care provided at a rehabilitative facility considerably improves outcomes even if no acute revascularization therapy is carried out. Spend your days at Athulya Assisted Living, where you can get comprehensive care in conjunction with fascinating residents and engaging activities that help seniors to live fulfilling lives.

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